
The ShireBiz Board is undertaking the following projects in 2023/2024

ANSTO Innovation Precinct

Supporting the nandin incubator and the ANSTO Innovation Precinct through mentoring services. Involving companies in Shirebiz projects with emphasis on high tech startups and local employment/intern opportunities.

Improving Shire Transport Links

Through its membership of the Sutherland Shire Council Transport Committee and supporting community actions for better transport systems e.g. Heathcote Rd bridge widening and improved links to individual rail stations.


Through its membership of the Sutherland Shire Council Business Committee promotes investment attraction programs and economic development priorities. ShireBiz is a member of the Sutherland Shire Council Business committee and works to attract investment, economic development, and employment opportunities.


Sutherland, the Shire’s Commercial Centre

In conjunction with the Shire Business Chamber support the redevelopment of Sutherland as the Shire’s Commercial and Administrative Centre. Shirebiz originally produced a concept plan for the redevelopment.


Through articles in the Shirebiz Bulletin and an industry breakfast encourage local businesses to become more aware of the threats that Cybersecurity breaches impact on their businesses.  We continue to support local businesses to better understand the threats and counter measures available to protect themselves from the rapidly growing Cybersecurity threats via articles in our weekly bulletin and we hosted a breakfast program focused specifically on this issue.


Education Round Table

Encourage collaboration amongst the providers of education services to provide pathways for students from school to work. Following the first meeting in May 2023, a report was produced and a follow up meeting scheduled for 22nd September which will address specific actions recommended at the May meeting.

Shire Marine Industry

To support the local industry a report on the local industry was produced and a breakfast was held in August with a follow up meeting next year. Our first meeting of the local marine industry was held in August and produced a report addressing the issues and priorities facing this important Industry group. The next meeting will be scheduled early next year to support these initiatives.

Health Round Table

Shirebiz in conjunction with the Sutherland Hospital is establishing the Round Table to assist in addressing Health issues in the Shire. The first meeting will be held on 26th October at the Sutherland Hospital

Past Projects

Shuttle Buses

Following a survey of commuters in October 2014 Shirebiz advocated the introduction of a trial minibus service along Port Hacking Rd, Caringbah.  Buses ran to and from Caringbah Railway Station at 15 minute intervals during morning and evening peakhours and were well populated.


Parking Survey

Shirebiz engaged a consultant to make comment on the Draft Parking Strategy 2022-2032 submitted to the Sutherland Shire Council Strategic Planning Committee on 7November 2022.
We have prepared this letter in response to the Draft Parking Strategy. We note the importance of this document in setting a parking strategy for the next 10 years; and that this Strategy is intended to align and integrate with Council’s planning and transport strategies


Tax White Paper

ShireBiz accepted the Prime Minister’s invitation to provide business input into the White Paper on Tax Reform due for completion late 2015. Early in 2015, a series of workshops took place covering each level of Government’s Taxation/Regulations and charges etc. We then held a major Forum for final business input. The Treasurer (Federal) was to be our keynote speaker at this event.

Forum on Advanced Manufacturing

In October 2015,ShireBiz held its first Forum on Advanced Manufacturing-the keynote Speaker was the Hon Bob Baldwyn, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry.  Speakers for advanced & additive manufacturing from academia & business impressed & paved the way for a series of follow up workshops held in 2015/2016.
Two days before our Forum the Prime Minister announced Federal Gov’t support & funding for initiatives in support of the very areas championed by ShireBiz.
Of special note was reference to the removal/amendment of legislation & regulations that have impeded manufacturing –the example quoted –NICNAS, is the subject of direct representation by ShireBiz.