“Earlier this year we surveyed our members who are some of the biggest employers in Sutherland Shire. Education was identified as a priority in equipping them with a skilled workforce,” Chairman of ShireBiz Mike Schrafft, said. “The aim of the roundtable was to identify how business and our education providers can support and empower each other.”
It was agreed that regular meetings with the group would be held throughout the year to identify and action key links between business and education providers in Sutherland Shire that would benefit students
A report on the meeting was compiled and distributed to participants. The next meeting of the Forum will be held on Thursday 22 Sept at the Sutherland Shire Community College [old Jannali Girls High School].Shirebiz Future of Education Roundtable July 2023-LR
Education Pathways Forum 23rd May2023

Updated Tuesday, May 23
ShireBiz hosted an education roundtable hosted by Loftus TAFE at the Embark restaurant in May. There were representatives from TAFE, University of Wollongong, Regional Industry Education Partnership Training Services NSW, We Future Leaders, Southern Strength, The Youth Partnership, Shire Careers Advisors Network and St George and Sutherland Shire Community College. Employer representatives included small business owners, Sutherland Shire Council, Sutherland Shire Business Chamber, Britton Maritime, Sutherland Hospital and Tradies. They discussed more formal links between Sutherland Shire businesses and schools to provide students with a variety of opportunities to gain practical experience prior to leaving school, effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on students who missed out of work experience opportunities, among others.