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HR & IR Mastery: Stay Safe, Hire Right, Keep Top Talent – July 11th

Updated Sunday, Jun 09

by ShireBiz

Kathryn MacMillan is the CEO of CIRCLE|Recruitment & HR. An Accredited Recruitment Professional with the Recruitment Consulting Services Association (MRCSA), a certified professional member of Australian Human Resource Institute (CAHRI), as well as holding a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations with Sydney University, Kathryn has run CIRCLE for over 20 years 

Ranked first at Sydney University 2017, in Management Consulting, first in 2018 in HRM and IR in Action, in 2019 Kathryn was the winner of the prestigious Kingsley Laffer Memorial Award for Industrial Relations from the University. 

This year there have been many changes in Industrial Relations that affect business owners. The need to remain compliant has never been greater, nor more complex. Kathryn our Industrial Relations and HR expert will be presenting all you need to know about the IR changes currently facing employers and those yet to come. Covering topics such as the Right to Disconnect; Casual Employment Definitions; Casual Conversion changes; Employees vs Contractors; New Protections for Gig Workers; Small Business Redundancy Exemption provisions; the Criminalisation of Underpayments and more. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to ask the questions that pertain to your organisation, and hear from the expert on how to manage the current IR changes, when additional changes will impact your business and what to do about them.

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